Reorganization and Modernization of the Production Centre

Growth has been exceptional. Consequently, we’re going through a phase that is important and decisive for ensuring that we have the response capacity to meet the demands of our internal and external production needs.
To accompany this growth, we developed an intense reorganization and modernization plan for all areas of our production centre.
Greater capacity, being more competitive and increased performance are the results of the improvements already implemented.
All phases of change require additional effort from everyone, but in the end it will take us to a higher level. And today we can say that we’ve reached unique results at all levels. We’re excited about this, and in upcoming years, with constant growth and based on a strong team and a strong structure, we’ll be able to respond to any challenge.
We’re among the best, and we’ll continue to fight to maintain the trust of all our customers and partners, therefore always endeavouring to exceed their expectations and real needs.

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